Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day....

Happy Earth day… Let us give thanks by loving our planet.

I was wondering how to market and launch my new book of poetry for the Heart and Soul titled “Mystical Journey”. Since this is a book about the celebration of our earth and our place in it, what better day then to do it on Earth Day.

I wrote this book from a deeper place within me, my spirit and that is why on the book I wrote that it was written by miyspirit. Also, many of you have encouraged me in the last year to do a book with my quotes and stories. Well here it is finally after much of a leaning curve in the book making business. When I was inspired to make this book my goal was that I had hope this book would inspire others to reconnect with our earth and source. I even wrote on the last page…
I hope you have enjoyed this book, for I truly enjoyed making it.
If even, but one photo, quote or story share smiles or speaks to you in one way or another, then this book has served its purpose.

Last night I was inspired by a very gracious lady (Suzanne Williams from Ontario Canada) and her most encouraging dear words which truly left me speechless. Thank you Suzanne I am most touched and humbled by your testimonial. Suzanne you have no idea how overjoyed I was to hear that you have so enjoyed this book but most of all that it has spoken to your Soul, made it all worth it. I was not sure how people would react to it. I thought I would have to write the book of my whole life story before people could understand the conclusion of my so far passage on this earth.

Here is what Suzanne wrote …. "Well today is a special day my beautiful book arrived from Maddy, Mystical Journey, Photo Poetry for the Heart and Soul...and my oh my how very fortunate I am to have received this beautiful gift. From Maddy’s personal letter complete with soothing tea, to the very end of this book it was indeed a Mystical Journey...and has touched my heart. From the very first post that Maddy made on one of my photos, you just knew she was special, a kindred spirit, a gifted photographer, and a living sage...A Being who is here carrying the lamp for us to see by, a scribe writing the words we need to hear. A truly gifted and magical photographer. So that we may see. I have been so fortunate to have Maddy as a spirit in kind through the flickr network. Now I can actually touch and sense that spirit in this beautiful book. It is MAGNIFICENT. Thank you MaddyLane for sharing your spirit with me. A true gift to are one of a Kind. I will treasure this book as I treasure our friendship... Humbly your friend Suzanne

I thank you with great Honor Suzanne, you have touched my Soul and inspired me tremendously in return, now I know how I will market this book. For its not easy to market ones own creations. It’s easier to get you all to go to my website because where I share and give you creative ideas for free. This book is different then what I normally do, its not a décor project, its me sharing from my Soul on a personal level which is not seen in a website. I hope my readers will buy this book, for it shows another side of me, of creation and how I get my inspirations in order to inspire others. It really is a feel good all over book.

I wrote Mystical Journey before I read the book “The Shack” by William Paul Young.
It is truly one of the best and most powerful books that I have ever read. It really explains it all…everyone should read this book!!! For we all have our caves and shacks in our lives in one way or another. When I read this book I realized that I was not crazy after all, it explain many things to me that I have come to realize within the last few years. Mystical journey is my trip at the Shack. When I kayak and admire the sunrise and sunsets I am truly with the presence of God the Source. When I’m making creations I truly feel Sarayu (the holy spirit) spirits, she is everything magical and whimsical, that is perhaps why I enjoy making things so much. Weather I’m in my work shop or going for long walks, I feel the presence of Jesus is there with me, we have long talks. Now that I have allowed myself to reconnect to the source and this magnificent trio, I enjoy their presences when I being present to their presence. Suzanne since I’m particularly found of you, I will post of picture of the Shack on my lake for you tomorrow.

Save the planet by healing your Soul first….and united we can heal the planet.
Where we all inspire each other in one way or another ;)
Enjoy this day!

I invite you to view inserts of "Mystical Journey"

© All Rights Reserved 2009- MaddyLane Photos and text are copyrighted - by MaddyLane Designs...No Commercial Usage or Reproduction Allowed. Thank you!

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